Tag: Lawn Care

Care & Maintenance

4 Reasons Your Lawn is Retaining Water

by Natures Select, Posted on

Do you find your lawn often turns into a soggy mess after heavy rainfalls? If so, you’re not alone. Many homeowners struggle with excess water pooling on their lawns, leading to issues such as poor drainage, soil erosion, and even damage to their grass and plants. Here at Nature’s Select Piedmont, we know your lawn […]

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Biological Lawn Care

3 Ways Living in the City Impacts Your Lawn

by Natures Select, Posted on

As a homeowner living in the bustling town of Chapel Hill, NC, you may have noticed that keeping your lawn lush and green can be challenging. The urban environment presents unique challenges that can impact the health and appearance of your lawn. As lawn experts, Nature’s Select Triangle understands how living in the city impacts […]

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Biological Lawn Care

3 Benefits of Lawn Iron Supplements

by Natures Select, Posted on

As homeowners, we want our lawns to be lush, green, and healthy. One often overlooked nutrient that can make a big difference in the appearance and health of your lawn is iron. Iron is essential for photosynthesis, root growth, and overall plant health. As part of our summer care, Nature’s Select Piedmont adds iron supplements […]

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Lawn Care

3 Ways to Deal with Drought

by Natures Select, Posted on

As North Carolina homeowners, we are no strangers to the challenges of drought. With hot summers and sporadic rainfall, keeping our lawns lush and green can be a constant battle. However, there are proactive steps we can take to create drought-resistant outdoor spaces. Below, Nature’s Select Triangle walks you through some ways our biologically-based lawn […]

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Care & Maintenance

How to Revive Your Dead Lawn Patches

by Natures Select, Posted on

After a long winter, many homeowners throughout Greensboro, NC, face the dreaded sight of dead patches in their once lush green lawns. The good news is that reviving these dead lawn patches is entirely possible with the right tools, techniques, and tips from Nature’s Select Piedmont.

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Biological Lawn Care

The Role of Microorganisms in Your Lawn’s Ecosystem

by Natures Select, Posted on

Most people focus on watering, fertilizing, and mowing when maintaining a lush and healthy lawn. However, an often-overlooked aspect of lawn care plays a crucial role in the health of your grass – microorganisms. These tiny organisms are essential for breaking down organic matter, improving soil structure, and enhancing nutrient availability. So, come along with […]

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Care & Maintenance

Should You Clean Up Soil Plugs After Lawn Aeration?

by Natures Select, Posted on

So, you’ve just had your lawn aerated by Nature’s Select Sandhills, and now you’re left with those soil plugs scattered across your yard. The question on your mind may be whether or not you should clean up these plugs. Are they beneficial or just an eyesore? Let’s dive into the debate and explore the pros […]

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3 Benefits of Warm-Season Grass

by Natures Select, Posted on

As we slide into the warmer, sun-drenched spring days, choosing grass for your lawn becomes increasingly essential. Warm-season grasses are renowned for their durability in the face of hot weather, making them a popular choice for many homeowners looking for an Earth-friendly and aesthetically pleasing landscape. From saving you time on maintenance to keeping your […]

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Biological Lawn Care

Top 4 Lawn Care Tips for New Homeowners

by Natures Select, Posted on

Congratulations on building your new home! Now that you have a beautiful home, it’s time to focus on your lawn. A green, lush lawn can add value to your home and is great for outdoor activities. However, maintaining a healthy lawn requires more than just watering it every once in a while. Nature’s Select Triangle […]

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Biological Lawn Care

The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Soil Health

by Natures Select, Posted on

When it comes to plant growth, most of us focus on the main factors: sun, soil, water, and fertilizers. However, one crucial component we often overlook is the role of mycorrhizal fungi in the ecosystem. These fungi are fascinating little organisms that form a vital symbiotic relationship with plants. While we often associate fungi with […]

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