Category: Boxwood Care

Boxwood Care

4 Common Boxwood Pests

by Natures Select, Posted on

Boxwoods create the perfect backdrop for all the flowers in your garden. They also create a natural privacy fence between you and your neighbors or the road. So, when they come under attack, it can create turmoil in your landscape. Thankfully, you have the Nature’s Select Sandhills team to help you. We can easily take […]

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Boxwood Care

3 Common Tree Root Diseases

by Natures Select, Posted on

Tree roots are a massive underground network that carries water and nutrients from the soil up into the canopy. This system also keeps trees anchored to the earth, helping them sustain strong winds and rains. So, keeping the soil healthy around your trees is vital to their survival. That’s why you need to turn to […]

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Tree & Shrubs

Winter Shrub Damage You Should Avoid

by Natures Select, Posted on

Winter can be devastating for landscapes throughout North Carolina. While most live through and recover in the spring, some weather patterns can kill all your shrubs and trees if you’re not careful. Thankfully, proper tree and shrub care from Nature’s Select Sandhills can help you avoid these types of winter damage.

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Boxwood Care

How to Keep Your Boxwood Hedges Looking Good

by Natures Select, Posted on

Boxwood hedges have been used as landscape backdrops and privacy shields for decades. These shrubs are perfect for just about every home, and they’re easy to care for when you know how to maintain them. But, at Nature’s Select Triangle, we know it takes a special green thumb to work with boxwoods. So, here is […]

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Tree & Shrubs

How Do De-icing Salts Damage Trees?

by Natures Select, Posted on

Winter is stressful for your shrubs and trees. They’re battling the elements, which often include snow, ice, and bitterly cold temperatures. Unfortunately, you could be making winter harder for them by misusing de-icing salts. While it’s important to keep walkways clear so you don’t slip and fall, you should also keep the health of your […]

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Boxwood Care

Boxwood Care: 3 Ways to Ensure Your Plants Thrive

by Natures Select, Posted on

Boxwoods are beloved by many North Carolinians. Not only are these small shrubs versatile, but they also add bright evergreen foliage wherever you need it. However, caring for boxwood isn’t easy, which is why so many homeowners call on Nature’s Select Triangle. We have boxwood care programs designed to help your bushes thrive. Still, there […]

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Boxwood Care

3 Facts about Boxwood Blight

by Natures Select, Posted on

Boxwood is a fundamental shrub in landscaping designs. However, this small, green bush is extremely susceptible to diseases like boxwood blight. Boxwood blight is a fungal disease and has become a widespread problem for nurseries and homeowners throughout the Piedmont area. Many residents still don’t know how to identify this fungus and often confuse it […]

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