Author: Natures Select

Biological Lawn Care

5 Types of Soil Microorganisms

by Natures Select, Posted on

Have you ever stopped to think about the bustling community that exists right beneath your feet? Soil microorganisms play a crucial role in maintaining the health and fertility of our lawns, gardens, and ecosystems. With the lawn care from Nature’s Select Triangle, you can support these five types of soil microorganisms commonly found in North […]

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Mosquito Barrier

3 Reasons to Treat for Mosquitos in the Spring

by Natures Select, Posted on

As the weather warms up and we start spending more time outdoors, nothing can ruin a beautiful day quite like a swarm of mosquitos. These pesky insects leave itchy bites and can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and Zika. That’s why it’s essential to take proactive measures to treat for mosquitos. So, if […]

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Care & Maintenance

Should You Clean Up Soil Plugs After Lawn Aeration?

by Natures Select, Posted on

So, you’ve just had your lawn aerated by Nature’s Select Sandhills, and now you’re left with those soil plugs scattered across your yard. The question on your mind may be whether or not you should clean up these plugs. Are they beneficial or just an eyesore? Let’s dive into the debate and explore the pros […]

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Tree & Shrubs

The Benefits of Regular Tree Inspections

by Natures Select, Posted on

For homeowners, trees are more than just part of the landscape; they are living organisms that contribute to the health and beauty of the environment. Trees not only provide aesthetic value but also offer shade, enhance air quality, and support local ecosystems around your home. However, like all living things, trees require care and maintenance, […]

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3 Benefits of Warm-Season Grass

by Natures Select, Posted on

As we slide into the warmer, sun-drenched spring days, choosing grass for your lawn becomes increasingly essential. Warm-season grasses are renowned for their durability in the face of hot weather, making them a popular choice for many homeowners looking for an Earth-friendly and aesthetically pleasing landscape. From saving you time on maintenance to keeping your […]

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Lawn Diseases

How to Prevent Lawn Rust

by Natures Select, Posted on

If you’re a homeowner, the health and appearance of your lawn are likely high on your list of concerns this spring. Enter lawn rust, a pesky issue that can turn your lush green grass into a rust-colored eyesore. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up to a vibrant, healthy lawn this spring? We’ll guide you […]

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Boxwood Care

Are Your Boxwoods Suffering from Root Rot?

by Natures Select, Posted on

Boxwoods are a timeless choice for gardens, adding classical structure and a touch of green elegance. Yet, despite their hardy reputation, they can fall victim to the insidious threat of root rot. The typically robust leaves can turn into a mosaic of yellow or brown, leaving homeowners perplexed and frustrated. With early detection from Nature’s […]

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Biological Lawn Care

When is Pre-Emergent Necessary?

by Natures Select, Posted on

As a homeowner, you take pride in your lawn, and understandably so. A healthy and lush lawn not only boosts your property’s curb appeal but also gives you a sense of satisfaction. However, there’s nothing more frustrating than spending time and money on your lawn only to see unsightly weeds pop up. Fortunately, there’s a […]

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Tree & Shrubs

4 Reasons Your Trees Need Professional Services

by Natures Select, Posted on

Trees are a significant part of our environment and add beauty to our surroundings. They offer several benefits, such as providing shade, cleaning the air, and adding curb appeal. If you have trees on your property, you know how much they mean to you. Taking care of them is crucial to ensure their longevity and […]

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Lawn Disease

Is Your Lawn Susceptible to Snow Mold?

by Natures Select, Posted on

Snow mold is a common lawn disease that affects many lawns in the winter and early spring. This fungal disease attacks grass that has been long covered by snow and thrives in weakened turf. Although it is much easier to prevent than to cure, many homeowners are still unaware of the risks. With the help […]

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